Literacy for early childhood

Animal Shape Boards
4 Shape Boards (triangle, circle, square, rectangle) with a variety of animals
A fab way to merge maths and writing together
Laminate for children to use post it notes to label the animals or can write lists of what they can see
Discs included
Table sign included

Minibeast Detectives
Minibeast Detective Activity Pack
12 different magnifying glasses to be cut out
Pair with the writing mat for children to write what they can see
Table sign
Flower cut outs

What can you see? - Flower Theme
Phase 3 ‘What can you see’ sheets - Spring/flower theme
2 sheets
Table sign
Flower cut outs

Pot the Diagraph - Flower Sorting
Pot the Diagraph - Phonics Game
Flower Printouts - Add to lollypop sticks
Plant Pots - Stick on to a cup
Children can pick a flower, read the word and sort into the correct diagraph ‘pot’
4 flower words for each sound
Inspired by miss_t_earlyyears

I Spy… Flower Pots
Flower pot theme ‘I Spy’ writing - children can write what they can see in the heart cut outs
Variety of Phase 2,3 and CVCC words (sheep, milk, jam)
Table sign included

Golden Eggs - Jack and the Beanstalk
Jack and the Beanstalk theme ‘Golden Egg’ Phonics
Hen for table
Golden eggs with different picture prompts
What can you see? scroll
Children can write what they can see on the scroll

Choose it, Write it - Spring
Lovely flower/spring/planting themed phonics activity
Laminate or use mats inside reusable pockets for the children to use the flower picture prompts to write what they can see… e.g. snail
Flower cut outs are a range of Phase 3 & CVCC words

Flip it, Read it - Tricky Words
Flip the Tricky Word & read - a fun and engaging phonics game! Add some mini frying pans for the children to have a go at ‘flipping’ it!
Pancake heart cut outs, strawberries and lemons
Table signs also included
Phase 2 & 3 tricky words

Read and Match - Phase 3
Pancake Day Read & Match Phase 3 diagraph Words
Read the word and match to the correct lemon slice
Includes table sign & heart pancake cut outs

CVC Read and Match - Pancake Day
Pancake Day Read & Match CVC Words
Read the word and match to the correct lemon slice
Includes table sign & heart pancake cut outs

What Can You See? - Pancake Day
Pancake Day themed list writing - What can you see?
List templates for children to write the pancake toppings using their phonetic knowledge

Love Mugs
Mixture of Phase 2 & 3 picture prompts for the children to write what they can see…
Use with hot chocolate powder, paper, whiteboards etc

What’s in the Jar?
What’s in the Jar? - Writing Activity
Valentines theme jar with a variety of words for the children to write what they can see…
Includes postcard for children to write on and table sign

Valentines Phonics/Tricky Word Race
Valentines Race Pack
Phonics Race - Phase 3 words
Tricky Word Race - Phase 2 & 3
Blank board to write your own focus sounds or words
Table sign & cut outs ‘Phonics Race’
Table sign & cut outs ‘Tricky Word Race’

Secret Phonics
‘Secret Phonics’ pack…
Use with invisible ink pens - children can choose a word card and write it on their spy mat.
Contains spy mat, word cards (phase 3/cvcc), table sign and cut outs

Choose it, Draw it, Write it
Choose it, Draw it. Write it…
Phase 2/3 CVC word picture prompt (e.g. pig, hat, jam)
Phase 3 picture prompt cards - range of digraphs (e.g. boat, rain, moon)
Choose a card, draw it, write it. Laminate mats or use reusable pockets. Rub it out and repeat!